PRESENCING PLACE: RESEARCH SPACE August 6th to September 3rd 2012

Jo Thomas is an artist researching ‘Presencing Place: the knowing and shaping of place through expanded arts practice’ towards a PhD at Oxford Brookes University. She is based in Reading, UK.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Presencing Walks - Friday 17th and 24th August 2012

town centre orchid
Walks will be leaving the Project Space in Gallery@49, Broadway Bracknell on Friday 17th and 24th August at 1pm. They will last up to an hour.

These will be slow, gentle walks and offer an opportunity to notice the particular in Bracknell towncentre. Marlies Boydell, the Biodiversity Office from Bracknell Forest Council will accompany us and share some of her knowledge of plants that have been found in the area.

We will go whatever the weather.
All welcome.

The Project Space will be open before and after the walk to share your thoughts and observations.

comments from the greyzone